Yora Adult Grain Free All Breed Insect Protein is a perfectly balanced, grain free, insect based dog food both ethical and sustainable.
Our amazing little grubs (hermetia illucens larvae) are a true superfood, packed with healthy protein, fats, minerals and immune boosting antioxidants.
Perfectly balanced with sweet potato and potato, plus prebiotics, blueberries and botanicals, for a delicious grain free crunchy kibble that tastes as good as it looks.
- Zero gluten recipe
- Added joint care for active dogs
- Natural immune system support
- Recommended by vets
- Hypoallergenic novel protein
- Antioxidant for immune support
- Gut health support
- Healthy cats for body and brain
*Insect 41.5% (**Insect Meal 28%, Freshly Prepared Insect 8%, Insect Oil 5.5%), Sweet Potato (23%), Potato (20%), Beet Pulp (5%), Minerals, Vegetable Stock, Linseed, Seaweed meal (0.5%), Chicory root extract (as a source of prebiotic FOS) (0.1%), Chondroitin (500mg/Kg), Dried Spinach (0.05%), Dried Blueberry (0.05%), Dried Carrot, Dried Nettle, Dried Parsley, Dried Rosemary, Turmeric (0.005%), Dried Spearmint. *Hermetia illucens larvae **source of Glucosamine
Analytical Constituents:
Crude Protein 24%, Crude Fat 14.5%, Crude Fibre 5.5%, Crude Ash 8%, Omega-6 2.5%, Omega-3 1%, Calcium 1.2%. Metabolisable Energy: 358.1 Kcal/100g.
Nutritional Additives:
Vitamins: Vitamin A 17,000IU, Vitamin D3 1,500IU, Vitamin E 70mg. Trace Elements: Zinc (Zinc Oxide)100mg, Iron (Iron (II) Sulphate Monohydrate) 60mg, Manganese (Manganese (II) Oxide) 50mg, Copper (Copper (II) Sulphate Pentahydrate) 8mg, Iodine (Calcium Iodate Anhydrous) 2.5mg, Selenium (Sodium Selenite) 0.1mg. TECHNOLOGICAL ADDITIVES: Antioxidants (Natural Mixed Tocopherols).